Tuesday, January 29, 2008


While I was in Mexico I was introduced to " Tostinos" Bacon wrapped hot dogs fried and eaten in a bun with mayonnaise, sour cream and salsa.

Nadine picked up a couple of all beef dogs from New Seasons, which I wrapped in two thickly sliced rashers of bacon. They then go into the pan to fry until the bacon is done. I usually like extremely crisp bacon and always over cook. It's a sin which I did not commit this time.

Double roasted salsa from Trader Joe's, Tillamook sour cream, a few jalapeƱos, and I swear to you it is one of the best dogs ever. How can you go wrong with bacon and really good dogs and a fine slab of smoked pork?

It's sad to think tostino bought on street corners at night in mexico,while squealing hords of half naked sorority sisters and douchie frat boys crush pass each other, each group more glistening and fruity than the last, the faint smell of urine a sharp contrast to the smell of burning fat and spilled beer, that a nameless sausage which may be beef, retrieved from a dark drum of steaming vapor wrapped in what might be pork, smeared with an almost clear aoli like substance on an enriched white bun topped by a thick relish-like salsa spooned out of a tub that reads "Manteca" and a squirt of crema, tastes better than my organic wiener and fancy schmearings. It May have been the tequila..

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