okay replanted the plants it's bigger in person, really..
then I made tamales, pork chops with rosemary, green beans, mashed tates and left over stuffing from T day ( I made a ton)
for dinner. Nathan made the mashed potatoes, he used milk. Not whip cream. good stuff. I took a picture of my far too small stove. some day I'll have a full size stove, with *big, big, sigh* gas heat...

okay and the tamales, I needed to make something with left over smoked and none too tender turkey. Mom and I walked into gartner's when they were having a
melted butter and corn oil. about 2 cups. to which I added,half a bag of masa mixed with
I pre soaked some corn husks and pondered why at the end of all the recipes I found it told you to soak the husks for two hours. but only at the end of the recipe. and here is is some place in the center not even at the end.. I drained a few shucks on a towel and mushed a quarter cup of masa mix on the husk, I think I made mine a little too skinny.
please see action shot! then stacked them in the steamer basket.
yum! once it was full,
I threw a couple into the oven with some enchilada sauce, and some left over enchiladas (turkey, no way!) I do love food.
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