This curly haired wonder winds up as The New York Times Critic". She wears full costumes, wigs and assumes an identity to visit restaurants in new york. She visits many but actually attempts to be truthful. Oddly she chooses a batch of half people to become. with her donning of a wig she becomes some sorrowful woman with out family or a miss marriage, it seemed with all her studies in character she never chose a strong or happy person, just lonely and alone.
A few wigs later and a trillion meals of delight tucked in she writes this book. "Oh, I am so skinny and have curly hair, but I eat in all the super fab places!" I'd want to kick her rich ass if she didn't write about stuff I liked.
I enjoyed her book, an least honest read on fine dining. Memoirs that held to the idea of food for enjoyment and understood when getting a shitty table a and a bitch of a server, your meal just might be ruined.
The book had a handful of recipes and The bacon carbonara is specifically fatty delightfulness.
Can you go wrong with bacon ?
Spag-carb a la Reichel, as translated by me..
start a pot of water and drink a glass of white wine while you dig up your ingredients:
how ever much pasta you need, preferably spaghetti,
as much bacon as can might want
a clove or two of garlic
two eggs ( unless you are cooking for one)
hard cheese
Take 8 0r 12 rashers of bacon , chop well and saute until the fat is just beginning to go soft and add a clove or two of garlic, don't over cook or slice the bacon too thickly or you won't make the mix we are searching for. it has taken me a few times to get it right.
While the bacon is cooking, remove shells from your eggs and put them into your serving dish, where you should beat those eggs until they are uniformly bright yellow and seasoned with a few grinds of pepper.
When the pasta is cooked drain and toss with the eggs, the heat from the noodles will cook the egg mix. Add bacon, and most of the fat. I did not mix all the fat in with my pasta, though I am sure I am going to die of heart failure anyway. Add cheese, and a little more cheese, mix and eat..
Cheese, egg, pasta and bacon, go get em fatty!
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