I wonder how many books I have read, often it seems I pick up books I love just to give them away. My cover less copy of "Perfume", the set of "Chronicles of Narnia" I keep in my toy box. I am the sum of all my parts. Does that mean that I am just a little bit Karen Blixen, and Margueite Duras? maybe? or am I just living through women because I can't live myself in such a dramatic manner.
Here it is a list of books I love. I shall continue to edit as I remember titles.
Out of Africa
- Isak Dinesen which reminds me I wanted to pick up a copy of babbette's feast which she wrote also!
The lover, Margueite Duras. she has a couple other fine novels, but I didn't get through the last one I picked up, and I can't remember the name right now if it, something about a woman in love with a gay guy that she pays to watch her sleep.
The Chronicles of Narnina by C.S. Lewis I found this set in the back my mothers closet when I was five. The Lion the witch and the wardrobe was the first book chapter book I read on my own. It took me about a year to get through it but by the time first grade hit I was on to the the second book.
Stranger in a strange land - Robert Anson Heinline, what a freaky guy he must have been, his whole universe is full of poly marriages, group living, fertility birthdays, and incest! bet he was a hoot at parties..
Innocents abroad- Mark Twain, read anything by him, I am reading A Pen warmed up in hell right now.
who else should I invite to the party? someone dramatic, perhaps the guy who wrote High Bonnet, Idwal Jones? I do so want to try his goose in orange and chocolate sauce.
I'm hungry now! More later..
mean while back at the ranch Miss Delna is wipping up a few words on cook books which can be summed up in four words "I love James Beard" its not because he was gay and wrote manly bbq books, it was not because he is from oregon, its not because he was brilliantly snarky, its becuase his American cookery is one of the best cook books ever written. it has everything, well everything they had thought of at that time. Each recipe has its short story, and I believe there are a few thousand in there., I actually have two copies, one for home and one for camping. His recipes for entertaining and "beard on bread" are also brilliant and informative. His recipes always centered around quality of ingredients
Julia Childs (and friends), Mastering The Art of French Cooking, books one and two. I am working though them slowly as these compendiums are huge! The culinary world is a convoluted web of whom knew who, but I believe Point got it right with his "butter butter always more butter" And Darling Julia certainly took that to heart.
I want to read "European Gastronomy Into the 21st Century" by Cailein Gillespie and john A. Cousins, but they don't have it at the Multnomah county library! Good ol Powells has it for 49 bucks, but I bet I can find it used!
Remember kids Julia and James suffered and died from mixes of gout, diabetes and other fun things associated with rich foods and over consumption, so choose your vices well and exercise! what am I saying? Fatties unite! skinny people must be plumped! I am now going to go make some breakfast and crack that last bottle of bubbly, and eat the amazing ham I made for new years! more on that and maybe the secret family recipe if my pop says it can be given out. Something to be said for being the daughter of a butcher. mmmmmmmmmmmmeat!