Monday, April 28, 2008

Winoz United!

This weekend was the:
Astoria Warrenton Crab & Seafood Festival!

The family (and friends) try to make it up there every year for a bit of camping and wining. It's a much smaller than the seafood fest in Newport that we started out going to a million years ago, and seems to be much easier to navigate. The lines are about one tenth of what they have down south. Though once again this year we didn't take the shuttle due to it not showing up forever. I even had a few songs ready for the bus:

The winos on the buss go glug, glug, glug, glug glug glug, glug, glug, glug
The winos on the buss go glug, glug, glug, as soon as the wine is open!


If you're a wino and you know it clap your hands!
If you're a wino and you know it clap your hands!
if you're a wino and you know it then the wine stains will show it
If you're a wino and you know it clap your hands!

I had some free time before the trip and decided to make up a few of wine glass holders for friends and family, and of course I made a ton of them not knowing who was going to show up. I sold off a few at the show!

Sake girl wanted one!

and people in nascar tuxes wanted one..

Lony's wife wanted one! but ran into my mom and borrowed hers till they could find me to get her own. so she had two for a while..! its hard to take pictures of winos!

nice guy who liked kitties wanted one too!

Maybe next year I'll get a booth!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"o ti mangi questa menestra o ti butti dalla finestra"

You can eat this soup, or jump out the window.

Following along in my obsession with memoirs in recipe, I add this to my list of good reads. Clara is a feminist revolutionary, working for womens rights and the commies in Italy during the 60's. Though her recipes are mostly frugal she comes from a well to do Italian Jewish family. Most of her recipes can be recreated for under five bucks. Here are at least four ways to use canned tuna in oil..

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mimes in black and white..

The children of pardise, or Les Enfants du Paradis, or Boulevard du Crime

Who could make up drama like this today and pull it off? No one..

He meets She when she is accused of a crime and falls in love with her. she whos mother died at 15 forcing her to grow up fast on the streets of paris with out family or friend. She has no home since she lost it when she quit her last "job" and he takes her to his lodgings and gets her a room, unfortunately it's next to an actor with whom she is already acquainted. But he loves her still and gets her a job in his theater where he works as a MIME! and a good mime, not just the stuck in a box, pulling a rope mime, but whom eventually becomes the most famous mime in France, and possibly the world.

Unfortunately she has a very nasty thief friend who get her to get him a room in her lodgings then mugs a messenger whom they think is carrying money and once again the bad girl gets the shaft, and the gendarmes are getting ready to take her in when she whips out a card given to her by a count at the theater, and ends up running off with him. Hussy, or poor?

The mime then marries a girl from the theater. The Poor dear has a boy child with him, but he is still in love with the baaad girl who is long gone with the count.

The thief kills the actor and the the bad girl goes back to the count. and the mime is left fighting through the streets at carnival time where everyone is dressed in his mime costume, chasing her carriage. while his wife and child watch his futile race. Men are stupid.

The end.

Mimes kinda piss me off in general, but I liked this one, he didn't follow people around and try to give them pretend balloons...